Dr. Camidge's office called us on Monday afternoon and asked that Tyler have a CT scan done on his chest and abdomen before his appointment on Wednesday. With the help of kind friends, family, and by the grace of God, Tyler was able to get the scans done in time. Once again Tyler woke up early and flew to Denver, this time with his older brother.
The meeting with Dr. Camidge came with some bitter news. The CT scan of Tyler's chest showed new tumors in his lungs. The trial medication isn't working, at least not on the dose he is currently taking. And because Tyler is on the highest amount for the trial, he wont be able to take more. Dr. Camidge is taking Tyler off the trial drug. He will now be back on his last medication and adding another form of chemotherapy on top of it. Ugh. At least Tyler won't have to travel while sick anymore.
The Hall Family theme this year is "Trust in the Lord." We will do our best to trust Him. We don't know everything, but God does. God is still Great.
Oh Jamie, definitely trusting the Lord has it's blessings and challenges. We send you so much love and prayers from the Esplin family. Enjoy every minute you get to spend together ❤