Well friends, its been a long month. Tyler has been in such intense pain that he had an emergency MRI done on his spine and brain two weeks ago. He was able to get some relief with IV meds the same day, and then we met with Dr. Grant (The Radiologist). Dr. Grant gave us good and bad news. The good news was that the tumors around Tyler's spine are not causing his pain. The bad news was that Tyler has two spots of cancer in his brain.
On Thursday, we took Tyler to get the cancer treated with radiation. The technicians molded warm plastic to his head to make a cast. It will help Tyler stay perfectly still on the table during radiation to his brain. Tyler felt tired but okay afterwards.
The last month has been one battle after another for Tyler. Pain management has evaded us, and Tyler has gotten little sleep each night. Thankfully, we have some hope. My sister in law, a CNA, came over and showed us how to take pressure off of Tyler's back and pelvis when he lays down and sits. Last night Tyler was blessed with his first continuous nights sleep in 3 weeks.
Over the last month, Tyler's health has declined more than we imagined it could. He is unable to walk and stand on his own. He is unable to breathe well when he does either activity. We hope that once we finally get his pain under control his mobility will increase.
We are looking into a forth generation ALK inhibitor clinical trial. If Tyler gets accepted, then we will be traveling to Denver again. We will keep everyone updated.
Even with the pains of cancer, and the testing of our faith and patience, we know that Heavenly Father has our back. God loves His children. He has shown us in the kindness of our family, friends and neighbors. God is still Great.
God bless you. Lynn and I continue to pray each day and night for Tyler and your family.