Tyler's had his ups and downs over the last 3 weeks. There were a couple nights that he lay sleepless because of the immense pain in his body. Thankfully, things got better.
We woke up early and headed over to the cancer center for round 2 of our nine hour hospital stay. It started with blood work (blessedly his veins accepted the poke), and then an appointment with his oncologist. Then Tyler was set up with his regular cocktail of nausea meds, steroids, chemotherapy and immunotherapy...along with very fashionable ice packs on his hands and feet.
This is to keep neuropathy at bay.
Three minutes into the hard core chemotherapy Tyler had a "Taxol Reaction." His chest and back tightened up and pain shot through him. It was a little wild. Thankfully, the nurses knew just what to do. They stopped the Taxol and gave him some Benadryl. That seemed to help and Tyler was able to sleep afterward. He didn't have a reaction like this at his last infusion. I asked the nurse about it, and she said that a "Taxol Reaction" can happen at any time during infusion. Crazy.
Tyler is a champion! We are blessed to have so many friends and family praying for him. Thank you again for caring so much! God is still great! We love you!
You guys are so tough! Lynn and I are so proud of you. Stay strong and stay faithful, our prayers are always with you. God is so great!