Our Journey with Jesus
Keeping the Faith through our Battle with Cancer
What We Believe
We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints. We love God our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. We are diligently striving everyday to be like them.
Our Faith in Jesus Christ
We believe in and worship Jesus Christ of the New Testament and the Book of Mormon. He is one in the same. We know Him as our personal Savior and as The Son of God. Jesus is a God of miracles.
Family is Forever
We believe through promises made in the Holy Temple that our family will be together in this life and in the next.
The Book of Mormon
We believe The Book of Mormon to be the word of God. The Book of Mormon is about Jesus Christ, His prophets, and His love of ancient American people. We also believe the New Testament and Old Testament are God's word as far as they are translated correctly.
Prophets in our Day
We believe in the same organization that existed when Jesus first organized His church. We believe that God still speaks to men. That he has prophets, apostles and missionaries that do His work.